Photo of Arien Xuan Lopez United States

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Arien Xuan Lopez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1971. His paintings are not only an expression of profession and imagination. In his landscapes of Cubaand other places -while colorful and everyday elements of urban erosion, as in the very personal figuration, where it merges with the expressionist dream-, you may find signs of his own life. There are, turned into prints or unique visual metaphors, traces of the atmosphere and social environment where he lived. His interest in comics and science

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35.98 x 24.02 in
24.02 x 35.98 in
24.02 x 35.98 in
47.99 x 35.98 in
47.99 x 24.02 in
24.02 x 35.98 in
60.00 x 35.98 in
20.00 x 30.00 in

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Photo of Arien Xuan Lopez United States


2010-2011 ArtWay66 Gallery: CoconutGrove, Collective Exhibition, Miami, FL

2010 MiracleMileFair: Art Fair dedicated to Hispanic culture, Miami, FL

2009 MiracleMileFair: Art Fair dedicated to Hispanic culture, Miami, Fl

2008 Cuba Nostalgia: ArtFair devoted to Cuban culture,Collective Exhibition, Miami, FL

2008 Art Fusion Gallery: Collective Exhibition,Design District, Miami, FL

2008 Zu Galery: Collective Exhibition,Miami, FL

2007 “Poetry and Painting: 110 Poems of Love of Rick Patrick and Cuban Painters” (“Poesia y Pintura: 110 poemas de amor de Rick patrick y pintores cubanos”), Collective Exhibition, Havana, Cuba

2005 “Facade of Havana” (“Fachada de La Habana”), Collective Exhibition at the Home of the Historian of Havana, Havana, Cuba

2005 Here’Fighting (“Aca’peleando”), Collective Exhibition at Maqueta de La Habana Museum, Havana, Cuba

2004 “Festival of Community Arts” (“Festival de las Artes Comunitarias”), Collective Exhibition at the Cuba Pavilion, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Exhibition To Honour Honour” (“Expo Honrar Honra”) Collective Exhibition sponsored by the Jose Marti cultural society at the International Havana Book Fair, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Hall of Erotic Art: To Bite or not To Bite” (“Salon de arte erotico: Morder o no Morder”) Collective Exhibition at the gallery Mariano Rodriguez,Havana, Cuba

2003 “Show of Talented Young People” (“Muestra de Jovenes Talentos”) Collective Exhibition at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Havana, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Art of the People” (“Arte Pueblo”) Collective Exhibition at the Gallery Mariano, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Between Images” (“Entre Imagenes”) Collective Exhibition at the Gallery Frida Khalo, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Second Biennial of Mental Health” (“Segunda Bienal de Salud Mental”) Collective Exhibition, Havana, Cuba

2003 “Festival of Cinema and Video” (“Festival de Cine y Video”) Exhibition at the Cine Plaza, Havana, Cuba

2003 “21 International Fair of Havana” (“21 Feria Internacional de la Habana – FIHAV”), Collective Exhibition at 2003 Expocuba, Havana, Cuba

2002 “Signs on the Asphalt” (“Senales en el Asfalto”) Collective Exhibition at the gallery of Colina Hotel, Havana, Cuba

2002 “A Drop of Love” (“Una Gota de Amor”) Collective Exhibition at the gallery Amelia Pelaez with the Association Friends of Cuba and the Swiss Embassy, Havana, Cuba

2002 “Closed Circle” (“Circulo Cerrado”) Collective Exhibition at the gallery Mariano Rodrigez, Havana, Cuba


In private collections throughout the world including Spain, Italy, Germany, Canada, United States of America, France, Mexico, Russia and Australia. His Work has been featured in publications such as, El Nuevo Herald and Miami Art Guide.
Arien Xuan Lopez was born in Havana, Cuba, in 1971. His paintings are not only an expression of profession and imagination. In his landscapes of Cubaand other places -while colorful and everyday elements of urban erosion, as in the very personal figuration, where it merges with the expressionist dream-, you may find signs of his own life. There are, turned into prints or unique visual metaphors, traces of the atmosphere and social environment where he lived. His interest in comics and science fiction, approach to the mysterious and occultism, shared in times of youth and a critical view of historical happening. Internalized, furthermore, the development of a personality that has cast this vocation for art, the desire to draw since childhood, the sense of visual order acquired during their professionals graphic design studios, and manual wrought domain searches against the canvas and cardboard, which reveals images of subjectivity or fulfilled roles of survival.
Buildings turned in ruins, cars from another era turned icons of memory, real mountains of garbage and corrosion flooding the public arena, and from all walks of life in unusual, served to structure a poetic autobiographical revelations that transcended memorial aspect, and also function as an evocation getting hedonistic. It is a modus operandi pictorial in which the ability to see and obvious technical skills, allow you to extend the record of the landscape to other circumstances, places, reasons and applications.
On the other side of artistic execution where the plastic image functions as a system that brings to light and comes to life in his consciousness and fantastic appreciation, it shows their interest always magical, unearthly, cosmic andparasychological. Such signs as connected in some way with postmodernist iconography, allow you to deploy deliberate mixtures and distortions in the figures that he uses his language become a painter and artist in a way to give shape to this another dimension a bit of dreams and nightmares which integrates the real and fictional worlds. His works are so well resolved emission, designed to communicate their ideas to suggest the presence of some of the scars and pains set in the insular area where he was born, and to establish a dialogue with viewer’s imagination on the basis of emotions, various reasons and speculations.
His Work has been featured in publications such as The Miami Herald, El Nuevo Herald and Miami Art Guide.
Arien Xuan Lopez has participated in various national and international exhibitions.

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